
TMT:10 Helen Thomas & Jeff Smith on Curating Radio 2's Playlist, Revamping the Presenter Lineup, and Reviving ELO

Welcome to The Money Trench. In this episode, Mark is joined by Helen Thomas, Head of BBC Radio 2, and Jeff Smith, Head of Music for BBC Radio 2 and 6 Music. As they explore the evolving strategy at Radio 2, Helen and Jeff share insights on adapting to a new generation of listeners while continuing to serve the current audience, the rationale behind changing the presenter lineup, and the planning behind the much-anticipated Radio 2 in the Park. They also take us inside the Radio 2 playlist room, revealing the process behind curating one of the most influential & largest music playlists in the UK. As well as discussing how Radio 2 is staying ahead in a rapidly changing media landscape and highlighting the importance of representation across the country, they explore the role of AI in the future of radio and what it means for the industry moving forward. NEWSLETTER Sign up HERE for the TMT newsletter - featuring each week’s hottest music industry stories. PPL  The Money Trench is sponsored by the PPL who celebrate their 90th year in business this year. KEEP UP TO DATE For the latest podcast and music business updates, make sure to follow us on:  Instagram: @the_money_trench LinkedIn: The Money Trench Website: The Money Trench GET IN TOUCH If you have any feedback, guest suggestions or general comments? We’d love to hear from you! - Get in touch here! Thanks to our partners PPL  Earth/Percent Tom A Smith Aimless Play Fourth Pillar Sennheiser Junkhead Studio Tape Notes Executive Producer: Mike Walsh Producer: Tape Notes  Recorded and Edited: Alex Patterson & Will Lyons