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129. Sue Me Maybe? - Lawsuits Involving Generative AI in Music
This is part 3 of a 4 part series chatting with entertainment/music attorney, Adam Barraza. Adam works at Axley Attorneys in Wisconsin, but is also licensed to practice in Tennessee. He flew out to my studio in Nashville and we talked about a number of current hot button issues in the music industry. In this third part, we talk about lawsuits involving generative AI in music and actually play through and discuss real examples involving Suno and Udio. A DISCLAIMER ABOUT THIS EPISODE: "This video is solely for informational purposes, and we are not giving legal advice or creating an attorney/client relationship by providing this information. Before relying on any legal information of a general nature, please consult legal counsel as to your particular situation." If you enjoy the podcast, please let others know, subscribe, or write a review! IF YOU'D LIKE TO SUPPORT THE PODCAST IN A MONETARY WAY, I'M NOW ON PATREON! Please note: new Patreon members get to pick a cover song for me to record especially for them! www.patreon.com/andysydow Guest Links: Axley Attorneys: https://www.axley.com/ Contact Adam: ABarraza@axley.com Episode Music: Original music by Andy Sydow Contact me: middleclassrockstar@gmail.com (or) andysydowmusic@gmail.com